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Overcoming Racism Logo Green and White

Resourses - Readings

Afrocentric Curriculum - Molefi Kete Asante

The Uses of Anger - Audre Lorde

If Black English Isn't a Language - James Baldwin

A Talk To Teachers - James Baldwin

Building Learning Partnerships - Zaretta Hammond

Changing the Discourse in Schools - Eugene Eubanks, Ralph Parish, and Dianne Smith

Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching and English Language Learners - Diane Torres-Velasquez and Gildbert Lobo

Culturally Relevant Teaching Strategies - Diane Torres-Velasquez and Gildbert Lobo

Culturally Responsive Mathematics Pedagogy: A Bridge Too Far? - Len Sparrow & Chris Hurst

How Do I Teach Mathematics in a Culturally Responsive Way? - Omiunota N. Ukpokodu

15​ ​Culturally-Relevant​ ​Teaching​ ​Strategies​ ​and​ ​Examples - Prodigy

A Personal Case of Culturally Responsive Teaching Praxis - Geneva Gay

Culturally Responsive Teaching Matters - Equity Alliance


Black Souls in White Skins? - Steve Biko


Cycle of Liberation - Bobbie Harro

Cycle of Socialization - Bobbie Harro

Emancipatory Pedagogy in Practice: Aims, Principles and Curriculum Orientation -  Ali Nouri and Seyed Mahdi Sajjadi

When the rules are fair, but the game isn’t - Muktha Jost, Edward L. Whitfield, & Mark Jost

White Detours - Jona Olsson

Removing the Master Script: Benjamin Banneker "Re-Membered" - Ellen E. Swartz

School Discipline: Connecting Students to the Benefits of Learning - Pedro Noguera    


Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Secondary Mathematics in an Urban Classroom - Julia Glissmann North

Stanford Study Suggests Academic Benefits to Ethnic Studies Courses - Brooke Donald

Empirically Validated Strategies to Reduce Stereotype Threat    

Teaching to Transgress - bell hooks

The Social Construction of Whiteness: Racism by Intent, Racism by Consequence - Teresa J. Guess

Thin Ice: Stereotype Threat and Black College Students - Claude M. Steele


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